Toen Hugo De Greef Algemeen Directeur werd van Flagey verklaarde hij dat het ‘woord’ een ereplaats in onze programmatie zou opnemen. Het is nu eenmaal zo ver! Op 17 en 18 november organiseren wij in Flagey, in het kader van Europalia Europa, een zogenaamde ‘nuleditie’ van het Festival van de Filosofie. Deze buigt zich enerzijds over het thema ‘Europa en haar grenzen’, anderzijds over het werk van Franse denker Michel de Montaigne.
Flagey, de leden van de vzw Festival van de Filosofie en Europalia Europa hebben het genoegen u uit te nodigen voor een persconferentie waarbij we het programma van het Festival van de Filosofie zullen voorstellen.
Deze vindt plaats in Studio 2 van Flagey op maandag 22 oktober om 16u stipt. Anna Luyten, Voorzitter van de vzw Festival van de Filosofie, en Hugo De Greef, Algemeen directeur van Flagey, zullen de persconferentie inleiden. Zij geven nadien het woord aan Johan Reyniers (Curator van het Festival van de Filosofie) en Jacques De Decker (mede-initiatiefnemer van het festival). Daarbij neemt Johan Swinnen, opsteller van een luik van het filmprogramma, ook het woord. Hij heeft ter gelegenheid van het festival enkele Nederlandstalige filosofen gevraagd om een aantal films te selecteren. Hij licht hun filmkeuze toe en geeft uitleg over zijn nieuwe interviewboek Reflecties. Film als Filosofie (VUBBPRESS,, dat wordt aangeboden ter gelegenheid van de filmvoorstellingen in Studio 5, in samenwerking met het Belgisch Koninklijk Filmarchief.
U bent van harte welkom.
Lorsque Hugo De Greef est entré en fonction à Flagey en tant que Directeur général, il vous avait annoncé que notre nouvelle programmation accorderait une place de choix à «la parole». Le moment est enfin venu de vous parler du premier événement dans ce genre nouveau! Les 17 et 18 novembre prochains, nous organiserons à Flagey une édition «zéro» du Festival de la Philosophie, et ce dans le cadre d’Europalia Europa. Au centre de ces deux jours: «L’Europe et ses frontières» ainsi que l’œuvre du philosophe français Michel de Montaigne.
Afin de vous présenter la programmation du Festival de la Philosophie, Flagey, les membres de l’asbl Festival van de Filosofie et Europalia Europa ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence de presse qui se tiendra dans le Studio 2 de Flagey le lundi 22 octobre à 16h précises.
Cette conférence présidée par Anna Luyten, Présidente de l’asbl Festival van de Filosofie, et Hugo De Greef, Directeur général de Flagey, sera l’occasion pour vous d’écouter les explications de Johan Reyniers, Curateur du Festival de la Philosophie, et Jacques De Decker, un des initiateurs du festival.
Vous pourrez aussi entendre Johan Swinnen, concepteur d’une partie du programme cinéma. À l’occasion du festival, il a demandé à des philosophes néerlandophones de lui soumettre une sélection de films. Il vous expliquera les raisons de leurs choix et vous entretiendra de son livre d’interviews Reflecties. Film als Filosofie (VUBBPRESS,, qui sera présenté au public lors de la projection des films au Studio 5, en collaboration avec la Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique.
Muriel Hasson
Attachée de Presse / Persattaché
27 rue du Belvédèrestraat
1050 Bruxelles / Brussel
T 02 641 10 13 / F 02 641 10 11 / G 0473 860 314
The subjects
The First Philosophy Festival takes place at Flagey on 17th and 18th November. It wants to make philosophic subjects accessible to the general public. On the 17th of November the central theme of the first day will be Europe and its –literal and figurative- boundaries. And there are not only the geographical frontiers but also the mental ones.
How did it all start with Europe? What old and new myths have determined our way of being and continue doing so today? Where have we got and where are we going? Where does Europe start and end? What is the difference between historical Europe and political Europe today? What is the significance from Brussels for Europe? Do people think differently on the countryside and in the city? What is the influence of architecture on our way of thinking? Where does the European flag come from? Why is Hans Magnus Enzensberger’s poem on the downfall of Titanic also a European poem?
Belgian and international philosophers, authors, journalists, theatre makers and artists will wander through a wide variety of small and big European questions in lectures, causeries and debates. Furthermore there will be programme presenting films from Manuel de Oliveira and Orson Welles, documentaries from Peter Forgacs and Geert Mak and a book fair. A philosophy salon will reflect on the notion of boundaries and limits. A live philosophical dictionary will display key concepts from 25 centuries of thinking. A special children’s programme has been set up to make philosophic ideas accessible even to the youngest visitors. Top of the bill will be a massive closing debate with the Hungarian author Gyorgy Konrad and a Great European Speech by the Belgian writer Koen Peeters: a Belgian with a heart for Brussels and Europe.
The Philosophy Festival not only focusses on a theme, we have also a central figure. This year we have chosen Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592). A symposium will be dedicated to Montaigne, his work and modern essay – which he is the founder of – on Sunday, 18th November.
Thinking is a celebration and thoughts like to be on the move. In this multidiscipline festival there is something for everybody’s liking and every visitor plans his own course and walks freely from one activity to another. Drinks and snacks are continuously available and make the festival into a meeting place.
How did it all start with Europe? What old and new myths have determined our way of being and continue doing so today? Where have we got and where are we going? Where does Europe start and end? What is the difference between historical Europe and political Europe today? What is the significance from Brussels for Europe? Do people think differently on the countryside and in the city? What is the influence of architecture on our way of thinking? Where does the European flag come from? Why is Hans Magnus Enzensberger’s poem on the downfall of Titanic also a European poem?
Belgian and international philosophers, authors, journalists, theatre makers and artists will wander through a wide variety of small and big European questions in lectures, causeries and debates. Furthermore there will be programme presenting films from Manuel de Oliveira and Orson Welles, documentaries from Peter Forgacs and Geert Mak and a book fair. A philosophy salon will reflect on the notion of boundaries and limits. A live philosophical dictionary will display key concepts from 25 centuries of thinking. A special children’s programme has been set up to make philosophic ideas accessible even to the youngest visitors. Top of the bill will be a massive closing debate with the Hungarian author Gyorgy Konrad and a Great European Speech by the Belgian writer Koen Peeters: a Belgian with a heart for Brussels and Europe.
The Philosophy Festival not only focusses on a theme, we have also a central figure. This year we have chosen Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592). A symposium will be dedicated to Montaigne, his work and modern essay – which he is the founder of – on Sunday, 18th November.
Thinking is a celebration and thoughts like to be on the move. In this multidiscipline festival there is something for everybody’s liking and every visitor plans his own course and walks freely from one activity to another. Drinks and snacks are continuously available and make the festival into a meeting place.
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